In the aftermath of the Muttur massacre, French aid organisation Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger) has called on the UN Human Rights Council to protect aid workers, in a new campaign launched this week.
The organisation stated that,
“As the United Nations Human Rights Council is gathering for the 25th session until March 28th, ACF International calls to put an end to impunity in Sri Lanka. We ask for a strong resolution allowing an international and independent inquiry into the murder of 17 aid workers in Muttur in 2006.”
It went on to state,
“This massacre accounts for the most dramatic crime ever committed against humanitarian aid workers. In recent years, humanitarian aid workers have been increasingly targeted. In Sri Lanka, our colleagues where providing essential assistance to populations while trapped in a destructive conflict. Beyond this barbaric crime, it is the humanitarian aid as a whole that has been targeted.”
See more on their website here.