Canadians march over 400 km in solidarity with families of the disappeared

Canadian Tamils gathered in Brampton’s City Hall to begin the “Walk for Justice,” where 5 dedicated men began their walk to Ottawa’s parliament hill to call for an international investigation into Tamil disappearances in Sri Lanka.

This is in solidarity with families of the disappeared who are making the same demand of the UN Human Right’s Commissioner.

Read more here: Families of disappeared urge international community to fulfil ‘last wish’ of investigating Tamil genocide

The five men began their walk last Sunday and will be walking for a total of 150 hours, spanning 14 days and 424 kilometres to submit a petition to the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau to demand an investigation into the thousands who were forcibly disappeared. 

The men will be welcomed by politicians and human rights activists on Parliament hill once they reach their destination on 14 September. 

Demonstrators gathered holding signs reading “Eelam Tamils seek Canada’s commitment to combatting enforced disappearances across the globe” demanding justice for the 24,000 Tamils missing in Sri Lanka. 

The demonstration organized by Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam took place on 30th August 2020 to mark the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances.

Photo of MP Ruby Sahota (in pink) speaking to demonstrators

MP Ruby Sahota made a speech to the demonstrators stating;

“Our government stands with you” and “I will stand with you and encourage the international communities to make sure there is an investigation, a thorough investigation and all these lives are accounted for.”

MP Gary Anandasangaree and Mayor Patrick Brown also voiced their support in finding justice for Tamil families of the disappeared.

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