Eelam Tamil receives prestigious Danish National Award in Education

Vashanth Selvadurai, an Eelam Tamil who fled to Denmark during the armed conflict was honored with the Danish National Award in Education, marking the first time a Tamil individual has received this prestigious recognition.

The award, which highlights excellence in education, was presented to Selvadurai for his remarkable work as a lecturer at Erhvervsakademi Dania. He was awarded 'Lecturer of the Year' and honored with the Danish National Award in Education along with a half a million Danish kroner.

Vashanth’s journey is hailed as extraordinary, transcending the challenges faced by the Tamil community, many of whom were denied access to higher education . The award was presented in at a ceremony at Operaen in Copenhagen by Mary Elizabeth, the Queen of Denmark, and Minister of Higher Education and Science, Christina Egelund.

Referring to the award on LinkedIn, Selvadurai said that “as a Tamil from Sri Lanka, this moment carries profound meaning".

"My community was historically denied access to higher education, which was one of the key factors fueling the civil war that forced my parents to flee the country. To stand here today, receiving a national award in education in Denmark is a powerful reminder of the life-changing impact education can have. This journey from restriction to recognition is a testament to how perseverance and the power of learning can overcome even the greatest challenges.” 

He said that the greatest lesson from his journey is “we are not defined by the labels others place on us, but by how we choose to respond to them.” 

The Danish National Award in Education is one of the most prestigious accolades, recognizing educators who have made a lasting impact on their students and education in Denmark.

Photo Credits: Søren Kjeldgaard

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