Expected Trump appointees signal renewed focus on Indo-Pacific


US President-elect Donald J Trump expected cabinet appointments will see a number of “China Hawks” in key roles such as the United Nations ambassador, National Security Adviser, and Secretary of State, signalling a shift in US foreign policy to refocus on the Indo-Pacific region.

Senator Marco Rubio is tapped to be appointed as the US Secretary of State and has long been a staunch opponent of China. Rubio’s achievements include introducing the US-India Defence Co-operation Act, which aims to deepen bilateral security ties in response to China's aggressive actions in the region. Rubio has also claimed that a second Trump administration would support Taiwan’s from Chinese encroachment.

Mike Waltz is expected to be appointed the National Security Adviser. Waltz has cultivated strong ties with India and is the co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional India Caucus. He has been an advocate for deeper defence and security co-operation between the US and India and warned against China’s growing influence in the Indo-Pacific.

These appointments come as Sri Lanka is attempting to revise its bankrupt economy and is heavily reliant on support from the IMF and China. In assuming the presidency, Anura Kumara Dissanayake made clear his administration would foster stronger ties with India however in meeting with India’s External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, he was pushed to allow greater devolution to Tamils through the 13th amendment. Dissanayake’s party, the JVP has long opposed any reforms which would enable greater devolution to Tamils.

As the US strengthens ties with India, Sri Lanka may come under greater focus with an expectation that it meets its pledged commitments.

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