In well planned operation, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) fighters blasted off the Kalmadukulam tank bund using high powered explosives flooding a large section of A-35 between Paranthan and Visuwamadu and staged a water-bourne attack on the Sri Lankan forces deployed in the area, inflicting heavy casualties, according to media reports.
At least 800 troops from the 57 division who were deployed in the general area of Ramanathapuram and Tharmapuram in preparation for an all out assault on Visuwamadu were killed in the LTTE attack that took place in the early hours of Saturday January 24, according to media reports.
Sea Tigers deployed their attack crafts on flood water to enter military controlled territories of Ramanathapuram and Tharmapuram to launch attacks on Sri Lankan soldiers, according to reports.
Whilst Sri Lankan defence ministry acknowledged the attack, the LTTE has not commented on it.
According to the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry website, “the flood waters reached over 4ft and ravaged across the slope land Northwards” and the Sea Tigers “launched the attack following the destruction of the Kalamadukulam Tank bund, onboard 5 boats along the flood channel.”
“Heavy artillery and mortar shells were also fired towards the area subsequently” added the website.
Although the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry report portrayed the attack as a humanitarian catastrophe that affected civilians, Sri Lanka observers pointed out that no civilians lived in the flooded areas as people had moved further east towards LTTE controlled territory.