IMF reschedules Sri Lanka meeting, with USD $1 billion due for repayment today

<p>The International Monetary Fund has rescheduled a crucial meeting with Sri Lanka as a snowstorm hit Washington DC, with Colombo due to repay an estimated USD $1 billion today.</p> <p>Sri Lanka’s Minister of Economic Reform Harsha de Silva, who is in Washington with finance minister Mangala Samaraweera, tweeted details of the loan repayment figure, stating it was due today and confirming the meeting have been rescheduled.</p> <p>“Having lived in US Midwest previously I am surprised how such little snow can shut the Capital down,” he <a href="">added</a>.</p> <p>The meeting comes as Colombo looks to solve its economic crisis, following weeks of political turmoil which led to downgrades and a falling rupee, to add to Sri Lanka’s existing large loan repayments.</p>

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