New movement to protest Eelam Tamils

Concerned by New Delhi's inaction and driven by the need to bring about change in the prevailing tragic scenario in Vanni, five leaders of prominent Tamil Nadu parties, Vaiko, Dr. S. Ramadoss, Nedumaran, Thirumavalavan and D. Pandian, jointly launched the Eelam Tamils Protection Movement (ETPM) following a consultative meeting in Chennai Wednesday. Top leaders of the Pattali Makkal Katchi, Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, Communist Party of India, Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi and the Tamil Nationalist Movement held closeted discussions on how to save the Eelam Tamils.

Tamil Nationalist Movement leader Nedumaran has been chosen as the convenor of this front. As the first step, the ETPM has announced a silent black-flag protest near the Gandhi Statue on the Marina beach in Chennai on Friday, Jan 30, Gandhi's death anniversary.

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