Reverend Father Mary Bastian commemorated in Mannar

The 37th anniversary of the assassination of Tamil human rights activist and local Catholic parish priest, Reverend Father Mary Bastian, who was shot dead by the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) in 1985, was commemorated at the Vankalai St. Anne’s Church in Mannar last Thursday.  

A memorial service was held in front of the statue of Rev.Fr. Mary Bastian, during which children and other civilians who were massacred along with the priest were also remembered. Mannar Diocesan Bishop Emmanuel Fernando officiated at the consecration ceremony. The event was attended by many including the Archbishop of Mannar, Bishops and the general public. 

During the military offensives by the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) in 1984 in Mannar region, Rev.Fr. Mary Bastian and Rev Jeyarajasingham of Methodist Church in Murunkan were involved in a campaign that brought the atrocities perpetrated by the army on Mannar-based Tamil civilians to the notice of international human rights organisations and other priests in the major community. 

After several soldiers were killed in a landmine attack that took place on 4 December 1984, the SLA  responded by massacring hundreds of innocent Tamil civilians who were working in their paddy fields. On 13 December 1984, Rev Jeyarajasingham was shot dead by the SLA when he was travelling in his vehicle and later his body was burnt along with his vehicle. Following both incidents, Rev Fr Mary Bastian helped collect the remains of the victims and handed them to the relevant authorities. He was warned by SLA not to interfere in their activities on 31 December 1984. 

On 6 January 1985, the SLA surrounded Vankalai and fired at the local St. Anne's church, killing Rev Fr Mary Bastian along with other civilians during the SLA’s military offensives in the Mannar region. Many eyewitnesses recall the soldiers dragging his body from the site to an unknown place. The then government fully denied allegations against the SLA.



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