SL Justice Minister denies 'racial motive' in Ratwatte incident

Sri Lankan Justice Minister, Ali Sabry, has denied that there was a "racial motive" incident in Anuradhapura prison in which State Minister Lohan Ratwatte forced Tamil inmates to kneel before him at gunpoint.

Sabry maintained that he would appoint a committee to investigate the matter but so far the only consequence the Minister has faced is to resigned from his post as State Minister for Prison Management and Prisoners Rehabilitation. Despite this Ratwatte has been able to maintain different cabinet portfolio.

Lohan Ratwatte has a history of mass murder and irresponsible behaviour with firearms. He led the killing of ten unarmed Muslims during the 2001 general elections for which he was convicted and sentenced by the high court. He was later acquitted on flimsy grounds. 

More recently, in late December 2020, he terrified hotel guests in Kandy by firing gunshots into the air reportedly due to anger. 

Read more here.

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