Sri Lankan police and army block Mullivaikkal memorial stone

A memorial stone was brought to Mullivaikkal this evening by the public committee organising Tamil genocide remembrance events, but the committee was blocked from erecting the stone at the intended place by Sri Lankan army and police.

The stone is over six feet tall and bears text about the genocide at Mullivaikkal. When it was transported to its intended site, where thousands of Tamils were massacred by the Sri Lankan state in the final days of the armed conflict, several Sri Lankan army personnel appeared at the site and questioned Father Leo Armstrong, a member of the remembrance committee.

Police from the Mullaitivu police department arrived shortly after and told the committee that they could not do anything in Mullivaikkal, and would have to obtain police permission. The committee had planned to unveil the memorial stone on May 18, Tamil genocide day, and had also planned to hold memorial services in line with social distancing and health regulations.

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