Three Tamil political prisoners released after 14 years imprisonment


Three Tamil political prisoners have been released after 14 years of unjust imprisonment. The prisoners, Thiruvarul, 45, Sulakshan, 34, Tharshan, 33 were arrested in May 2009 under charges of conspiracy against the state.

The verdict to release the three political prisoners by Justice Manickavasagam Ilancheliyan was on the basis that the confessions provided by them were inadmissible in court. Following this, various witnesses were produced in court to prove charges laid against them. The court ordered their release because the witness statements could not prove beyond doubt the guilt of the political prisoners. This particular case is one of the longest in Sri Lanka filed against Tamil political prisoners.

The Sri Lankan government has had a history of unjust imprisonment of many political dissenters, particularly of Tamils and Muslims, under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA). According to there are over 200 Tamil political prisoners dispersed among the many detention centres in Sri Lanka, and often face discrimination not only by the prison officials but also other prisoners. In the unlikely event of being released from prison, they often face surveillance from state authorities and also have difficulties finding employment.

The three political prisoners that were released were seen sharing a moment of joy with their families after the verdict was announced.

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