The Tamil National’s People’s Front remembered the struggle and life of Annai Poopathy, a member of the Batticaloa-Amparai Mother’s Front, who fasted unto death to protest the violence of the Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF).
Annai Poopathy, a mother of 10 children, was an active member in the Batticaloa-Amparai Mother’s Front for many years.
The presence of the IPKF and ensuing violence was acutely experienced by Tamil people particularly in the East.
The Batticaloa-Amparai Mother’s Front under many occasions attempted to negotiate a ceasefire between the IPKF and the LTTE.
After the collapse of one such negotiations, Annai Poopathy volunteered to go on a hunger strike on 19th March 1988, demanding 1) an immediate ceasefire of all violence, and 2) negotiations needed to take place with the LTTE.
While on strike, those who assisted on her strike, and a few of her children were arrested, and others were continuously harassed by the IPKF.
Annai Poopathy held onto her strike until 19th April, when she passed away. She is remembered as a martyr in the Tamil liberation struggle.