UK reaffirms need to address land issues and accountability in Sri Lanka

Responding to a question in the House of Lords on what representations the British government has made at the UN Human Rights Council over the issues Tamils face in Sri Lanka, Lord Ahmad, Minister of State for South Asia, reaffirmed the need to address ongoing land grabs and deliver on accountability.

In his response, the Minister noted that the UK led international efforts to pass resolution 51/1 which “renewed the mandate of the Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights to report on Sri Lanka and to protect and preserve evidence of past human rights abuses to use in future accountability processes”.

Read more here: UN passes resolution on collecting evidence for Sri Lankan war crimes trials

He also noted that:

“The UK also made recommendations including on the need to address issues around the expropriation of land in the North and East during Sri Lanka's Universal Periodic Review in February”.

Read more here:  UN session concludes by stressing issues of the North-East


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