1.4m signature Sri Lanka petition handed to Manmohan Singh

A petition by Amnesty International in India, signed by over 1.4 million Indians, has been handed to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s office on Friday.

"This petition represents the voices of 14 lakh ordinary Indian citizens asking India to play a stronger role in seeking justice in Sri Lanka," said G. Ananthapadmanabhan, the chief executive of Amnesty India.

"This is a demand for an end to the impunity for past and present human rights violations in Sri Lanka," he added.

The petition urges the prime minister to “stand up for justice in Sri Lanka, and act to end the climate of impunity perpetuated by its government”.

It recommended to the Indian government to support an independent international investigation into allegations of crimes committed by Sri Lanka and the LTTE, call for a UN-led mechanism to monitor the current human rights situation in Sri Lanka and urge Sri Lanka to repeal the Prevention of Terrorism Act, and stop attacks and intimidation against government critics.

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