1,500 arrested following Bolsonarists storming of congress

Officials say about 1,500 people have been arrested following the storming of the National Congress in Brasília.

Supporters of the former president, Jair Bolsonaro, stormed Congress and other official buildings including the presidential palace and the Supreme Court on Sunday.

Newly inaugurated President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was not there when the invasion happened, but he has since flown back from visiting flood victims in Sao Paulo state to inspect the damage

Invaders left a trail of destruction leaving windows broken, furniture overturned and flooded parts of the National Congress.

Fred Arruda, Brazil’s ambassador in London told the Guardian: “What happened in Brasília yesterday was a grotesque and failed assault on our institutions. As President Lula put it, democracy requires people to respect the institutions.”

Bolsonaro lost to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in a tight-fought election in October but his supporters have refused to accept the result and camped out near military facilities, alleging the election was stolen, even though there is no evidence to back up their claim.

Read more at the Guardian

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