8 Tamil Nadu students fast in protest on Eelam Tamil issue

Eight students of Loyola College in Tamil Nadu began a 'fast unto death' on Friday, making key demands including an independent, international inquiry into allegations of war crimes, and a referendum on Tamil Eelam for Tamils in the North-East.

In a statement issued in Tamil, the students argued that was has happened in Sri Lanka was not a case of mere war crimes or human rights violations but a planned genocide of Tamils, and therefore Indian Central and Local Government must acknowledge this and declare it so.

Stating that an international investigation and a referendum on independence were the only possible means of bringing justice to the Tamils, the students demanded that India must support it, whilst ensuring that Asian countries are not part of the international investigation.

Calling for an economic boycott of Sri Lanka, the students demanded that India severe its political relationship with Sri Lanka, and disestablish the Sri Lankan High Commission.

The students also urged the Tamil Nadu government to take action on the killing of Tamil Nadu fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy.

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