<p>Amnesty International has released footage revealing deplorable conditions in Cambodia's prisons including overcrowding.</p>
<p>This comes during the midst of coronavirus where people are encouraged to socially distance to prevent the spread of the disease. Those unable to are viewed at particular risk, leaving Amnesty to describe the Cambodian prisons as a "ticking time bomb" for the spread of this deadly disease.</p>
<p>Amnesty reports that as 2 April 2020, Cambodia reported holding 38,890 people in prison despite having a capacity of only 26,593. They further detail that some prisons have been estimated to be up to 463% overcapacity.</p>
<p>The prison population in Cambodia has risen an approximate 78% since December 2016 following the government's implementation of a draconian anti-drug campaign which is now in its fourth year. More than 72% of the prison population is held in pre-trial detention and Amnesty reports that thousands have been detained for minor, non-violent offences such as drug possession</p>
<p>David Griffiths, Director in the Office of the Secretary-General at Amnesty International, stated on the matter;</p>
"These deplorable conditions make a mockery of 'physical distancing' and show the Cambodian authorities' utter neglect for these inmates' basic rights, even during a pandemic [...] These conditions were never acceptable. Today they are completely unconscionable. The authorities must urgently ease this overcrowding crisis while giving all detainees access to appropriate healthcare without discrimination."
<p>Read Amnesty' International statement <a href="https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/04/cambodia-exclusive-foota…">here.</a></p>
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