Arab League adopts Syria sanctions

The Arab League has approved sanctions against Syria after its suspension from the body earlier in the month.

The 22-member body voted 19-3 for the immediate implantation of the sanctions, with Iraq and Lebanon abstaining from the vote.

Turkey, acting as an observer, has indicated it too would impose the sanctions on its southern neighbour.

'When civilians are killed in Syria and the Syrian regime increases its cruelty to innocent people, it should not be expected for Turkey and the Arab League to be silent,' said Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, according to the state Anatolia news agency.

The sanctions include a ban on travel of senior Syrian officials to other Arab countries, a freeze on the Syrian government’s assets, the stopping of funds for investments in Syria by Arab states and the halting of transactions with Syria’s central bank.

Syria has reacted defiantly, with reports emerging of tanks advancing towards Homs.

The city has been the centre of recent clashes between Syrian troops and anti-regime protesters.

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