Arab League issues ultimatum, as Free Syrian Army vows to defend protesters

The Arab League gave Syria an ultimatum of three days on Wednesday, to "stop the bloody repression" of protesters and permit observers into the area.

At a meeting in Morocco, the Qatari Foreign Minister, Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim al Thani, threatened Syria with sanctions and stated that diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict were "close to the end of the road".

Pro-government mobs in Syria responded to the Arab League's statement by attacking the embassies of the UAE and Morocco. Morocco has recalled its ambassador to Syria.

Responding to the on-going clamp down on peaceful protesters by government forces, the Free Syrian Army, has vowed to defend civilians.

Earlier on Wednesday, the rebels launched an attack on an air force intelligence base.

Speaking to Channel 4, a rebel commander said,

"The Free Syrian Army attacked the air force intelligence base and they killed the guard and they burnt the place. They occupied the compound before beating a tactical retreat.

"We will conduct such attacks so long as the regim targets civilians."

"The attacks will escalate."

In a video statement, the Free Syrian Army said,

"Due to the continuation of oppression, killing and displacemen, in which the Assad regime has implicated members of the Syrian army, against our un-armed people who are protesting for their right to a free and decent life."

"We here declare out defections of the Ba'athist army and our enrollment in Free Syrian Army."

"Here we warn the gangs of the regime such as the security, intelligence and military agencies, not to cause any harm to the peaceful protesters."

A Syrian human rights organisation states that it has collated evidence that 4200 civilians have been killed in the eight months of protest.

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