<p>The British artist Banksy funded a vessel to give aid as hundred of migrants remain stranded in the central Mediterranean. </p>
<p>Many migrants were transferred to rescue ships, as European officials ignored calls to allow migrants on shore. These ships were deployed after Louise Michel crew issued a distress call near Lampedusa, an Italian island off the coast of Africa, as it was no longer able to steer with so many people on board. </p>
<p>Banksy criticised EU authorities via Instagram, saying, "EU authorities deliberately ignore distress calls from 'non-Europeans.'"</p>
<p>According to the International Organisation for Migration, more than 100,000 people attempted to cross the Mediterranean and reach Europe last year. Over a thousand people died whilst making the journey. The UN refugee agency and International Organisation for Migration have called on EU officials to allow the migrants on the rescue vessels to come ashore. </p>
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