Speaking in the Lok Sabha, BJP leader Yashwant Sinha, said, “We are not in favour of carving out a separate nation out of Sri Lanka but are totally against the butchering of the Tamils.”
He also outlined the party's road map for the island's future:
1. Withdrawal of Army from Northern Sri Lanka and handing over law and order duties to local police.
2. Implementation of Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Committee.
3. Implementation of not only 13th Amendment, but additional provisions to ensure full devolution of powers to Northern Sri Lanka
4. Institution of an independent and impartial enquiry comprising people from outside Sri Lanka to probe human rights abuses
5. Clear commitment that guilty shall be punished
6. India should not merely vote at the UN Human Rights Council, but take a lead in drafting resolution against Sri Lanka.
7. Let India convey other nations in neighbourhood not to interfere in affairs of Sri Lanka and Indo-Sri Lanka relations.