British Police allowed into Libya to investigate Lockerbie

The Libyan government has given British police the go-ahead to conduct inquiries into the Lockerbie bombing and the killing of PC Yvonne Fletcher.

Scottish detectives will travel to Libya to interview Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, who was convicted for involvement in th Lockerbie bombing in 1988.

Al-Megrahi was released in 2009 on compassionate grounds due to his ill-health. At the time he was only expected to live another 2 months.

Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland QC said:

"If media reports are correct I am pleased that the Transitional Government of Libya has agreed to allow officers from Dumfries and Galloway police to travel to Libya for enquiries.

"The trial court held that the bombing of Pan Am 103 and the murder of 270 people was an act of state-sponsored terrorism and that Megrahi did not act alone.

"This is a live enquiry and Scottish police and prosecutors will continue to pursue the evidence to bring the others involved to justice.

"I am grateful for the continued support of the US authorities and the UK government, in particular the Foreign Secretary whose efforts in pursuit of this matter are greatly appreciated."

Metropolitan police officers have also been given permission to visit Libya to further investigate the circumstances behind PC Fletchers death.

PC Yvonne Fletcher was killed in 1984 by a gunshot from within the Libyan embassy.

She was guarding the building during a protest by anti-Gaddafi activists.

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