Canadians rally against Hong Kong Security law

Recent protests took place in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal in opposition to oppose Hong Kong’s new national security law.

The new security law has outraged Chinese communities in Canada as it is seen as an erosion of basic freedom and as a further attack against Hong Kong’s independence movement.

The legislation passed by China’s Standing Committee of National People’s Congress touches on subversion, terrorism, and collusion with external forces. This law also grants China more power to insert itself in Hong Kong affairs.


Canadian opposition to the bill

On Saturday a rally was organized in Toronto and among those who participated was Gloria Fung, president of Canada Hong Kong Link - a platform for 15 groups countering China’s moves in Hong Kong including a recent national security law.

Parkie Li, a Canadian who taught and lived in Hong Kong joined the recent protests in Vancouver opposing the new security law stated;

“I will be more scared if the next generation in Hong Kong will not have their freedom of speech, I really want them to have their own freedom in the future.”


Chinese Canadian support for the bill

Despite protests against the bill, the Chinese Benevolent Association (CBA) of Vancouver and Hong Kong Canadians on Hong Kong Situation Association have taken a positive stance on the law.

In mid-July, they launched a joint petition intended for Parliament Hill to show their support for the new security law.

Jun Ing, Vice President of CBA Vancouver stated;

“Ottawa should set itself apart from the U.S. when dealing with Beijing” and “In the U.S, everybody is bashing China but what I’m seeing is we have a different opinion in Canada, and so be it.”


Read more from CBC, Hindustan Times, Vancouver Sun


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