Court shown footage of Mladic in Srebenica

Former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic, on trial for genocide, has been confronted of video evidence that shows him entering the town of Srebenica in July 1995, where he stands accused of personally ordering the killing of 8,000 Muslim men and boys.

The 70-year old denies being at the town, claiming to have been attending a wedding in Belgrade instead. However, the video footage played to the court appears to demonstrate that Mladic was in Srebenica from July 11th to 14th, the time during which the massacre took place.

In the video Mladic tells an interviewer,
"We give this town to the Serb people as a gift … Finally the time has come to take our revenge on the Turks [referring to Muslims] in this region."
Peter McCloskey, one of the trial prosecutors stated,

"This was not an army out of control or under the control of someone else. Only an army strictly under the control from the top could have murdered over 7,000 people in four days."

"The VRS [the Republika Srpska army] carried out orders with incredible discipline, organisation and military efficiency … It was truly amazing feat of utter brutality."

Further video evidence shows Mladic in the town of Zepa on the 25th and 26th of July speaking to Muslim civilians being deported from the town, played by the prosecution to help “look into the mind” of the General.

Mladic is seen telling the departing Muslim civilians,

“You heard the stories about me for a very long time. Now you are looking at me. I am General Mladic.”

“They told you many things for so long about me. You have an opportunity to see me.”

“There are able-bodied people among you who have shot at me before. I forgive you all and am giving you your life as a present. Don’t’ come before me at the front line. Next time there won’t be any forgiveness.

“You who are of military age, do not go to the front. No more forgiveness. Now I am giving you your life as a gift."
The General faces 11 counts of genocide and war crimes. See the full list charges here.

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