Democracy, the economy and climate change - Sri Lanka’s foreign minister meets with US Secretary of State

Approaching Sri Lanka’s 75h Independence Day, Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister, Ali Sabry, met with US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken where the US reaffirmed its support for Sri Lanka amidst its ongoing economic crisis and stressed the need for economic and political reforms focused on “transparency, inclusion and good governance”.

In a press statement, the US State Department claimed that both Sabry and Blinken discussed their countries’ “shared commitment to advance democratic principles, including respect for human rights”.

On the economic support, Secretary Blinken noted that the US has provided “some $240 million in assistance and loans” to Sri Lanka and is working “to support economic stability but also political stability”.

Sabry responded to Blinken’s remarks thanking the US for its support in facilitating a four-year loan worth $ 2.9 billion USD under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF). He also added that he looked forward to strengthening relations “particularly, in the Indian Ocean and eastern Pacific”. 

The State Department’s press release further noted “their common interest in tackling the climate crisis by accelerating the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to clean energy, and strengthening resilience to climate impacts”. 

Read more here and here.

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