FARC accuses Colombia of 'dirty war' of assassinations as it transitions into politics

<p>Colombia’s Revolutionary Alternative Common Force (FARC) accused the far right of assassinating its members, whilst pledging to continue the process of peace and integration into politics.</p> <p>The statement came after, the FARC’s most senior commander Jorge Enrique Corredor was shot dead, on Tuesday.</p> <p>“We won’t hesitate to point the finger at the right-wing and paramilitary sectors closely linked to the state security agencies, who are behind these murders, “ FARC Senator Pablo Catatumbo told press.</p> <p>He labelled the attacks during peace time a ‘dirty war.’ This weeks killing was the FARCs highest ranking death since a peace deal was signed in late 2016.. Around 139 FARC rebels are thought to have been killed since the singing of the peace deal.</p> <p>The FARC has repeatedly raised concerns that they may be assassinated by right-wing paramilitary gangs or drug traffickers, in a replay of more than 3,000 targeted killings during the 1980s, when the group first attempted to form a political party.</p>

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