A Bosnian Serb suspeced of carrying out crimes against humanity is to be extradited to Sarajevo to face charges after a court in France ruled in favour of hte extradition.
The man, Radomir Susjnar, was arrested in Paris in April 2014. He was a member of a Bosnian Serb paramilitary group that was responsible for the murder of 59 Bosnian Muslims in 1992 in Visegrad and has been accused of incarcerating the victims inside a house before setting it alight.
Although prosecutors argued that he could only be extradited under common law principles, as crimes against humanity were not, at the time occurred, punishable offences, the lawyer for Bosnia-Herzegovina argued that such an argument would "goes against European law and international law."
"Both very clearly state the non-retroactivity principle does not apply to crimes against humanity, which have always been crimes under international law, and certainly since 1945.”
See more here.