Writing in The Platform, Mario Arulthas a member of the TYO UK (Tamil Youth Organisation UK) argues that the end of the armed conflict has not brought peace, but instead as the ruling regime "attempts to consolidate the Sinhala-Buddhist fascism that has plagued the island for decades", the genocide of Tamils "continues unabated".
"Two and a half years have passed since the armed conflict between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the Government of Sri Lanka ended, but Tamils have seen neither justice nor freedom from the Sri Lankan state’s deliberate and systematic destruction of the Tamil nation – a genocide."
"Despite the deaths of an estimated 40,000 civilians in 2009 and the compelling evidence of war crimes against humanity that continues to emerge, Sri Lanka remains both incapable and unwilling to bring justice to the Tamil people. Dismissing any calls for an international investigation in order to bring accountability to the island, the state has instead relentlessly pursued its oppression of the Tamil people in the North-East."