India to build naval craft for Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is one of several countries which have approached a state-owned ship builder in India to construct naval vessels, report said this week.

Taking first strides towards complete indigenisation of India’s defence armoury, the Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) have begun building country’s first completely indigenous warship.

And enquiries for frigates and Fast Attack Craft are coming from Sri Lanka, ASEAN members and few African countries.

"We are analysing their queries regarding how to meet the orders. We want to work on it. After completing our analysis, we have to bid for it in the global market and get the order," Ganeshan said.

"On August 12 Defence Secretary Shekhar Dutt cut the steel, thus paving way for the construction of the country’s first indigenously built anti-submarine warship with stealth technology," GRSE Chairman and Managing Director Rear Admiral (retd) T S Ganeshan said.

It is a 25,000 tonne corvette armed with stealth-mounted guns, the latest electronic warfare suite which, together with other key operational equipment, is shielded using stealth technology incorporated into the design of the bulwarks.

The cost has not yet been ascertained but GRSE aims to deliver the corvette to Navy by first half of 2009.

It is also expecting more orders from the Indian Navy, "which would materialise in a month’s time," he said. GRSE is executing orders valuing Rs 5000 crore.

According to Admiral Superintendent Naval Dockyard Rear Admiral B K Kaul, this is the first step towards the Navy’s goal of attaining complete indigenisation within next 15 years. (PTI)

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