Indian Court sentences Hindus for life

31 Hindus have been jailed for life for the killing of 33 Muslims during the 2002 riots in Gujarat.

A mob burned down a house where a group of Muslims were sheltering from violence during riots that engulfed the Indian state of Gujarat.

41 others were acquitted of all charges due to lack of evidence.

The riots started after a fire on a train that killed 60 Hindu pilgrims, was thought to have been an attack by Muslims. In the ensuing violence more than 2000 Muslims are thought to have died across northern India, with most deaths occurring in Gujarat.

Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi is alleged to have been aiding the Hindu mobs by calling off the police. A Gujarati police officer has accused Modi of instructing officials and police at a meeting to ‘go easy’ on the rioters and let them have their way.

An inquiry into complicity by state officials is yet to be made.

In 2005 a federal government inquiry concluded the fire was an accident, most probably caused by cooking in one of the carriages.

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