Iran MPs vote to downgrade diplomatic relationship with UK

Iranian MP’s have passed a bill to downgrade ties with the UK in response to sanctions imposed over its nuclear programme.

The bill would give President Ahmedinejad two weeks to expel Birtish Ambassador to Tehran, Dominick Chilcott, if approved by the Guardian Council.

"The British government should know that if they insist on their evil stances the Iranian people will punch them in the mouth, exactly as happened against America's den of spies, before it was approved by officials," said Tehran MP Mehdi Kuchakzadeh.

The comment refers to the hostage crisis in 1979, during which Iranian revolutionaries attacked the US embassy in Tehran.

The UK Foreign Office has said it will act ‘robustly’ if the bill is implemented, which also includes the reduction of economic and trade links between Britain and Iran.

"The Iranian parliament's vote to expel our ambassador is regrettable," a statement said.

"This unwarranted move will do nothing to help the regime address their growing isolation or international concerns about their nuclear programme and human rights record.

"If the Iranian government acts on this, we will respond robustly in consultation with our international partners."

In Sunday’s vote, 179 MPs voted for the bill, with 11 abstentions and 4 voting against it.

The four who voted against the motion are reported to have demanded a complete cut in ties with the UK, complaining this bill was inadequate.

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