Jaya slams shooting of Indian fishermen

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has blasted Sri Lanka, after a group of Indian fishermen were allegedly shot at by the Sri Lankan Navy.

A 40-year-old Indian fishermen was injured after shots were fired by the Sri Lankan Navy, causing extensive damage to their boats and equipment, who claim they were in Indian waters at the time.

The Rameswaram Fishermen's Association president Emiret criticised New Delhi’s "indifference" and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, labelling the constant attacks as an “indirect attempt to intimidate India and browbeat it into not raising its voice".

She went on to say,

"This latest incident of firing by the Sri Lankan Navy clearly indicates that the Sri Lankan Navy wants to create an atmosphere of panic, fear and tension amidst the fishermen of Tamil Nadu who seek to eke out their livelihood peacefully”

“The government of India should not be a silent spectator”

"I am pained to point out that the incidents of apprehension and harassment of innocent Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy have become a regular occurrence in the past few months creating a feeling of insecurity and fear among the fishermen community”

"The Sri Lankan government should be advised to desist from using force against our innocent Indian fishermen who have been fishing in their traditional fishing areas for centuries."

"You are already aware that 16 fishermen of Thoothukudi (Tuticorin) who were fishing in the Gulf of Mannar area were arrested by the Sri Lankan navy and are presently in judicial custody in Sri Lanka"

"The incidents of arrests of fishermen and the recent firing should be viewed as an indirect attempt to intimidate the Government of India and browbeat it into not raising its voice against Sri Lankan atrocities on innocent Sri Lankan Tamilians in the International fora, which is highly unacceptable".

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