Kashmiri villagers accuse India of targeting civilians

Kashmir (VOA)

Villagers living in the Pakistani-controlled disputed region of Kashmir accused Indian forces of “intentionally targeting” civilians with mortar fire. 

Indian officials have not responded to the claims, but they have previously accused Pakistan of violence in the Indian-controlled part of Kashmir.

One villager, Asad Zubair, told reporters that he was wounded by Indian artillery fire. Another, Abdul Aziz, says he was wounded July 3rd by shrapnel from an Indian mortar.

“We are no longer afraid of death. It can come anywhere. We will live and die here,” Asad Zubair told reporters. 

“Even our last child will fight to defend Kashmir if India attacks us,” added Aziz.

Last August, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, stripping residents of the region of their rights to self-governance. Since this revocation, the violence and repression in the region has continued, with over one hundred militants killed and many civilians affected by violence.

Pakistan has called for negotiations with India through the UN, requesting that Kashmiris are given the choice to merge with India, Pakistan, or become their own independent state.

See more from the Washington Post here.

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