LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran's memoirs launched in UK

A book titled 'Enathu Makkalin Viduthalaikkaga' (translated as 'For the Liberation of My People'), a compilation of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) leader Velupillai Prabhakaran's memoirs from 1984 to 2009, was launched in London, United Kingdom on Sunday 12 November 2023.

The event was attended by representatives of various Tamil entities in London, families of fallen LTTE cadres, associations, Tamil Eelam activists, journalists, and members of the diaspora. 

The book release event was initiated by the unveiling of the Tamil Eelam and UK flag. 

Continuing this, a 'Parai Isai', the Tamil traditional music, was performed by a Parai group. A special Bharatanatyam traditional Tamil dance performance was also performed. 

Key speakers of the event included the editor of the book Mr Anton Ponrasa, late LTTE fighter Sapari's mother and journalist Mrs Savithiri Athuvithanandan (pictured above), military and political analyst Mr Ravi Prabhakaran, as well as many other Tamil activists and leaders of Tamil organisations in the diaspora. 

Mrs Kalaivizhi (pictured above), a political activist both in the homeland and in the UK, expressed her views about the LTTE leader. In her speech, Mrs Kalaivizhi pointed out how the LTTE leader had "paved the way for women in Tamil Eelam to become leaders in the struggle for liberation and in the construction of the Tamil Eelam nation".

Following this, senior Tamil activist and playwriter Mr Thasisiyas (pictured above) presented his speech.  

Subsequently, a live discussion with Mr Ponrasa took place regarding the decade-long process of researching and compiling the book. In this discussion, he not only acknowledged the challenges he had faced in producing this piece but also mentioned that his inspiration to compile the LTTE leader's memoirs was seeing a compilation of South African anti-apartheid activist and politician, Nelson Mandela's words, on his trip to the jailed in which Mandela was imprisoned. He also stated that S. P. Thamilselvan, the head of the political wing of the LTTE, had requested Mr Ponrasa to take the initiative to compile the leader's words into a book.

Former LTTE fighter and politician, Mr Suresh, presented the books to members of the younger generation who had attended the event. 

Tamil Guardian writer Tamilselvi also attended and spoke about the importance of the book in preserving Tamil history. In the face of the Sri Lankan state and state-sponsored entities' efforts to erase Tamil people’s lands, culture, heritage and their historical record, "this book becomes a resilient beacon, ensuring that the voices and experiences of the Eelam Tamils, through the words of LTTE leader, honourable Mr Velupillai Prabhakaran, are not lost to the sands of time," she said.

Further, Tamil activist Mr Achuthan (pictured above) discussed the current challenges facing Tamils in the North-East, how to confront them, and emphasised the importance of unity among Tamils, considering the current circumstances. He also acknowledged the role and sacrifices of the fallen LTTE fighters and the "great Tamil leader" in uniting Tamils worldwide as a formidable force.

The event concluded with the vibrant singing of the song "Nambungal Tamil Eelam" in a determined tone, symbolising the realisation of the dreams of the martyrs.

In the last 14 years since 2009, this celebration marked a special occasion to celebrate the leadership of the LTTE leader and the resilience of the Tamil people. The event was filled with gratitude from the participants, who expressed their utmost respect for the remarkable achievements and leadership of the leader. 

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