Mass graves of Franco victims excavated in Spain

<p>Archeologists have begun excavating mass graves in Spain dating back to the dictatorship of General Franco in order to try and identify victimes.&nbsp;</p> <p>Over 2000 victims have been uncovered so far.&nbsp;</p> <p>The majority of the bodies currently being excavated are expected to be leftists who were sentenced to death by military judges between 1939-1956, the first half of General Franco’s military dictatorship.</p> <p>Despite over 4 decades since the death of Franco, there was no coordinated effort to identify victims.&nbsp;</p> <p>Local historian Vincent Gabarda, who unearthed Franco era registers listing almost 2300 executions victims buried in over a hundred mass graves, told <a href="…">Al Jazeera</a>:</p> <blockquote><p> "If we don’t get all the hidden information out into the open then wounds will get deeper we have to bring out the dirt so that wounds can be cleaned and then healed." </p></blockquote> <p>An estimated 110,000 people were killed and buried in mass graves across Spain.&nbsp;</p>

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