Political prisoners in Iran call for sanctions to end

Over 50 political prisoners in Iran have signed a letter calling on US President Barack Obama to end sanctions against their country.

The letter, published by The Guardian, was signed by several prominent opposition figures and said sanctions currently in place have become collective punishment of the Iranian population.

"We, the undersigned current and former political prisoners in Iran, are writing this letter to bring to your attention the devastating effects of crippling economic sanctions," the letter says.

"These efforts are adversely affecting the lives of Iranian people and have resulted in severe constraints in the political life of our country,

"In the recent presidential election in Iran (14 June 2013), a politician was elected whose campaign promised were moderation and rational decision making in foreign and domestic policies. This administration has promised to pursue constructive engagement in international relations and intends to convey a message of positive change and mutual respect,

"In our view, the tenure of this government may be the last chance to bring this conflict to a reasonable and mutually acceptable resolution,

"We hope the opportunity created by the Iranian people and reflected in the electoral victory of President Rouhani will be seized appropriately by the United States. We also hope reciprocal good will and adoption of appropriate measures by the new government in Iran will open a new window of understanding and constructive engagement between Iran and the United States in a way that the interests of both nations will be better served."

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