Rajapaksa refuses entry to Norwegian ambassador's partner

Mahinda Rajapaksa has allegedly refused entry to the new Norwegian ambassador to Sri Lanka partner, as the pair have had a same-sex marriage, reports LankaNewsWeb.

Reports suggest that Rajapaksa has been involved in lengthy conversations on the matter with the Buddhist group, Bodu Bala Sena (BBS).

Rajapaksa told BBS representatives that the Norwegian ambassador is a lesbian and that he had not permitted her partner legal entry to the country.

Rajapaksa justified his decision to ban the diplomat’s partner from Sri Lanka, by outlining his commitment to the Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhist identity stating,

“Lesbian marriages are not legal in our country. Our women will also want to behave in this manner if we permit such actions. Our Minister (GL Peiris) does not have the backbone to handle these issues. On one side there are lesbians and on the other there are the gays. Our Sinhala Buddhist identity would come to an end if we allowed these actions.”

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