<p>Sajith Premadasa, the presidential candidate for the New Democratic Front, has stated that he is unwilling to enter into discussions with the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) based on the 13-point memorandum signed by five Tamil political parties.</p>
<p>Shiral Lakthilaka, a member of Premada’s campaign team, has defended this decision stating that his policy is to support devolution within a unitary structure. He told reporters, “there is nothing to discuss beyond that”. The party remains resolute to reject the points raised by the memorandum.</p>
<p>Listed in these demands was a rejection of the unitary state and the establishment of a federal state for Tamils.</p>
<p>The memorandum also demands the abolition of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) which Sri Lanka had claimed it would repeal in 2015 under the co-sponsored UN Human Rights Council resolution 30/1.</p>
<p><strong>Read more here: <a href="https://www.tamilguardian.com/content/tamil-parties-sign-memorandum-key…">Tamil parties sign memorandum on key demands</a></strong></p>
this is the test artical