Commenting on recently taken photographs of waving the Sri Lankan flag with UNP leader Ranil Wickremasinghe, the leader of the TNA R. Sampanthan defended his actions to Charles Haviland, BBC correspondent for Sri Lanka.
According to tweets posted by Haviland on Saturday, Sampanthan dismissed concerns regarding his actions stating that it was the national flag.
Haviland's tweets have been reproduced below:
"TNA's Sampanthan: Some concerned that #lka [Sri Lankan] flag design didn't take in minority consent, but it's nat [national] flag & I'd no difficulty in holding it."
"TNA Sampanthan tells BBC: We seek polit [political] solut [solution] in framework of united undivided country; if sincere, can't be disrespectful to nat [national] flag.#lka"
According to the Sunday Leader, Sampanthan described his actions as “a symbol of solidarity with the workers of Sri Lanka and a sign of solidarity and reconciliation between the Sinhalese and Tamil people in the country”.