Sarkozy reiterates pledge for Armenian genocide recognition

In a letter to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, French President Nicolas Sarkozy restated France’s strong commitment to ensure that the killings of over 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 by Turkey will be recognised as Genocide.

The letter, released from the President’s press office, comes after Sarkozy visited Armenia and warned that unless Turkey did so, then he would “have to go further”.

Thanking his Armenian counterpart for the hospitality during the visit to the country earlier this month, Sarkozy said,

“Rest assured that France will not stop its commitment, since the massacres have not been recognized properly by the descendents of the perpetrators.”

He went on to acknowledge the contributions made by the Armenian diaspora in France, whom he called “the survivors of the Genocide who found refuge in our country.”

The call was reinforced by France’s Ambassador to Armenia Henri Reynaud who told reporters at a press conference,

“Turkey should look its history in the face and recognize the Armenian Genocide.”

Reynaud statement came as he told reporters of Armenia’s "rapidly" growing ties with the European Union.

See our earlier post: France warns Turkey over Armenian Genocide (Oct 2011)

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