Scotland has a right to self-determination' - Sturgeon sets date for independence referendum

First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon has announced a proposed date for an independence referendum on 19 October 2023.

Sturgeon says she wants to hold a second independence referendum on 19 October 2023. 

If the UK government does not grant a section 30 order, which would allow the Scottish parliament to pass laws normally reserved for Westminister, Sturgeon will set out plans for what the Scottish government will do in response if the order is not granted,

Sturgeon noted that the referendum must be lawful and is publishing today its Scottish independence referendum bill which includes three key provisions. 

First, its purpose is “to ascertain the views of the people of Scotland on whether or not Scotland should be an independent country”.

Second, the question should be the same as in 2014, “Should Scotland be an independent country?”

And, third, she says the referendum should be in the second half of this parliament

Sturgeon to ensure the legality of the referendum is making an emergency referral to the supreme court. 

Sturgeon says she wants to have legal certainty. “We must establish legal fact” she says.

She says there are likely to be legal challenges to the bill and if the supreme court rules that the referendum is not legal. The next general election would become a "de-factor referendum" with the SNP standing on the single issue of independence. 

Read more at BBC News


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