The power-sharing government of Northern Ireland is on the verge of collapse due to a clause in the agreement that will trigger fresh elections as a result of Sinn Fein’s decision to not find a replacement Deputy First Minister.
Northern Ireland is expected to hold fresh elections after Sinn Feinn failed to find a replacement Deputy first minister following Martin McGuinness’s resignation over a lack of transparency in the Northern Ireland Government.
Sein Finn’s Martin McGuinness resigned citing concerns about the Democratic Unionist Party’s (DUP) “arrogance” at how they handled allegations of corruption, reports the Independent.
Speaking at Stormont, Northern Ireland’s first minister Arlene Foster accused Sinn Feinn of forcing an election, stating,
“Northern Ireland does not need an election, it needs a stable government. [Sinn Feinn] have forced an election that risks Northern Ireland’s future and stability and which suits nobody but themselves.”
Electioneering has already started despite the official announcement of elections, reports the Guardian.
Sinn Fein’s finance minister Mairtin O Muilleoir, at a social club run by ex IRA-prisoners in Belfast, said,
“People are looking for an opportunity to say they have zero tolerance when it comes to corruption, zero tolerance to bigotry, and that they want respect and equality. That is what will be on Sinn Fein’s ballot paper.”