SL will be an important test - Canadian Liberal leader

Statement by the Canadian Liberal leader, Bob Rae on Commonwealth Day:

“Today Canadians join with people of all ethnicities and faiths around the world in marking Commonwealth Day. This is an occasion to reflect on and celebrate the ties that unite our diverse Commonwealth family of 54 nations.

It is also a time to take note of our common history and the shared values that define the Commonwealth: democracy, peace, rule of law and opportunity for all. Canada must remain committed to advancing these founding principles, and continue building on the Commonwealth’s long history of fostering democracy.

The Commonwealth is presently engaged in an important renewal process that will strengthen the association’s commitment to democracy and respect for human rights. The growing opposition to holding the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka highlights the importance of holding all member states to a basic standard of respecting the rule of law and democracy. It will be an important test of the Commonwealth’s actual commitment to its beliefs.

On behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada and our Parliamentary Caucus, I am pleased to join Canadians in celebrating Commonwealth Day with the two billion Commonwealth citizens around the world.”

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