SNP officially launches Scotland's independence campaign

The Scottish National Party (SNP) launched the campaign for independence on Sunday, outlining the proposed referendum on independence and urged supporters to brace themselves for the "biggest campaign ever".

The annoucement follows the SNP leader, Alex Salmond's, rallying call to the Scottish nation to unie behind the Scottish identity.

Angus Robertson, the SNP's campaign director, launching the party's "biggest donation drive ever", urged party supporters to contribute generously, in order to build a "fighting fund" and "war chest".

"Our independence campaign starts now. It's starting. The starting gun is being fired," said Robertson.

Scotland's national poet, Edwin Morgan, has donated almost £1 million to kick start the campaign.  

On the referendum, Salmond states there would be two questions - the first "a straight yes-no question [on] independence," and the "second question, in the same way as we did in 1997, in which we'd offer a fiscal autonomy option".

"I'm not for limiting the choices of the Scottish people, I leave that to Westminster," added Salmond.

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