Sri Lanka’s COVID-19 cases rise to 2,810 with five more new cases

Sri Lanka’s COVID-19 cases rose to 2,810 after five new persons tested positive on Tuesday, according to Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Health. 

The epidemiology unit’s latest situation report indicated 503 patients are currently receiving treatment in hospitals, with 80 suspected and hospitalised cases, pending diagnoses as of 10am IST on Tuesday.

The report also highlights that out of the 2,810 confirmed cases, 906 of those were of navy personnel. Over 500 Sri Lankan Navy personnel and their families were transported from the South to quarantine centres in North-East in May this year. It also reported that there were two patients suspected to have COVID-19 in Vavuniya. The total number of deaths as reported on Tuesday 10am IST has been stated as eleven. 

Find the situation report here

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