System Of A Down call for genocide affirmation in the U.S

The lead singer of the Grammy Award winning rock band, System Of A Down, Serj Tankian, challenged a full capacity crowd, at one of their Hollywood Bowl concerts, to imagine a world in which those who claim to speak for the international community remained silent on the Holocaust, as they do with various other genocides.

Speaking to the band's 18000 fans, Tankian asked,

"Imagine if this is the 1940s, and World War II had just started, and America decided not to enter war on the side of Britain."

"Imagine if, Americans became allies with Nazi Germany and decided that we're going to push away the Holocaust, never use the word Holocaust in Government policy."

"Imagine being Jewish and living in L.A and not hearing your President or Congress use the word Holocaust."

"That's exactly what Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians feel when our government doesn't use the word genocide."

The four members of System of  Down have been at the forefront of calling on the United States and international community to work toward a truthful and just resolution of the Armenian genocide and all genocides across the world.

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