UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has said that he had been “waiting and waiting” for Sri Lanka to respond to the UN report released in April of this year and had now passed the report onto the Human Rights Council to review.
In a press meeting with Norwegian media, he said,
In a press meeting with Norwegian media, he said,
“On Sri Lankan issues as you remember, I have established a Panel of Experts and they have reviewed all these situations and made many recommendations.
These recommendations are something which needs to be implemented by the Sri Lankan people.The Secretary-General went on to emphasise the importance of the UN Panel of Experts report’s recommendations and said,
I have been waiting and waiting until the Sri Lankan government would respond, positively, to the implementation of recommendation done by Panel of Experts.”
“Just a couple of weeks ago I decided to refer this report to the Human Rights Council and my High Commissioner for Human Rights and they are now reviewing this Panel of Experts Report.”See his full response below.