TNA MP slams Sri Lanka's Sinhala colonisation project

Tamil National Alliance MP Shanthi Sriskantharajah criticised the Sri Lankan government's attempt to launch new Sinhala residential villages in the Tamil North-East, stating it was part of a colonisation project.

The parliamentarian said two new residential villages have been opened up in the Mullaitivu district in the North-East, named Sampathnuvara and Isurupura. The villages were opened on April 11th by Sri Lanka's Minister of Housing, with a total of 24 houses unveiled.

“The Manalaaru area is an ancient settlement of the Tamil people,” said Ms Sriskantharajah.

“Under the guise of Mahavali Development Zone, land grabs are still happening here,” she added calling for a halt to further colonisation.

See our earlier posts: 

Sri Lanka relaunches controversial Sinhala settlement scheme in North-East (11 Apr 2016)

Army constructs community hall for Sinhala military village in North-East (28 Oct 2015) 

Mullaitivu villagers protest against Sinhala colonisation (19 Jan 2016) 

Sri Lankan president pays tribute to UNP minister (25 Oct 2015) 

Rajapaksa hands over 3000 land deeds to Mahaweli farmers (22 Apr 2013)

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