Trump supporters storm Capitol building

The photo above is by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Trump supporters have stormed the Capitol to prevent Congress from confirming the victory of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Lawmakers have been rushed out of the building following the breach. It came as the representatives debated a move by Republicans to overturn November’s election results.

Reporters noted that protesters have clashed with officers and demonstrators have occupied the second-floor lobby just outside the Senate chambers.

Republican representative of Illinois, Adam Kinzinger, has described the incident as an attempted coup.

The current figure of injuries is unknown, but one woman has been shot inside the Capitol by law enforcement. The police have been seen to use what appears to be flash-bang grenades. Protesters were seen carrying confederate flags.

President Trump has tweeted asking for his supporters to be peaceful:


US election results

The announcement follows weeks of President Trump attempting to contest the results which delivered a decisive victory to President-elect Biden, who gained 306 votes to 232.

Today has also seen the election of senator Raphael Warnock, Georgia’s first black senator, in the state of Georgia. The second election between Jon Ossoff and David Perdue is still to close to call but Ossoff appears to be leading.

Kelli Ward, who chairs the Arizona Republican Party, supported by a far-right group of Republicans has attempted to petition Supreme Court Samuel Alito to grant Vice President Mike Pence the power to reject state electors.

Read more from the New York Times

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