US gifts 'essential equipment' to Sri Lankan military as defense ties deepen

Weeks after the US Navy and Marine Corps conducted joint maritime exercises, the United States has transferred equipment to the Sri Lankan military, as defence ties between the two governments continues to grow.

The consignment of gifts for the Sri Lankan Air Force included air mobility equipment and aircraft spare parts to be utilized for C-130 aircraft and specifically for the Beechcraft King Air 360 ER, which is to be donated to the SLAF by the United States. The total value of the consignment received by the SLAF was over US $1.6 million.

The 2 x Scorpion IL & LO Configuration Man-portable Hybrid Electronic Countermeasure (ECM) devices and 2 x 3XXX ECM Generic Vehicular Mount devices were donated to the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers. 

According to the Sri Lanka army, “these two equipment will facilitate the Sri Lanka Army EOD troops in the disposal of IEDs which can be operated remotely".

"The Army EOD operators have faced significant difficulties due to the shortage of portable ECM jammers. With the donation of the Scorpion IL & LO Configuration Man-portable Hybrid ECM the EOD operators will be capable of disposing of remotely operated IEDs without the risk of being blasted by terrorists during the disposal process.” 

Although it has been 15 years since the end of the armed conflict, the US has often reiterated its stance on “supporting Sri Lanka’s security and sovereignty”. 

The latest military donation comes despite ongoing human rights abuses being perpetrated by the Sri Lankan security forces.


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